The regulator offers two receptacles matching with connectors Molex Microfit 3.0, 6 circuits (reference 43025-0600).
Documentation n° 1336205REG_CAN (hardware and software specification) is available upon request.
Remote display
The battery charger / converter supports the remote tactile color display UNI-DISPLAY-R.
Remote control
This option G-ON/OFF-R allows you to shut down the remote charger / converter from a
two-wire cable.
The converter is stopped if both wires are short-circuited
Factory setting
The charger / converter's factory settings are:
sealed Lead, BOOT ON
To define the charge in function of your battery, please refer to the chart, paragraph: 3.3.2.
For special batteries, call a professional installer, who will make the specific settings in accordance with the battery
manufacturer's specifications and according to the specifics of the installation.
CRISTEC is not liable for any damage caused to the batteries or for inefficient recharging.