SIMPL™ Windows
Argument Definition is used by SIMPL Windows to create the macro file. It allows
you to specify the inputs, outputs, and parameters of the macro, which will be
available to the users of the macro. Only one Argument Definition is used per file.
Conceptual Representation of a Macro
The Argument Definition symbol will define how the macro’s symbol will appear in
SIMPL Windows. Name all inputs, outputs, and parameters. The names given to the
Argument Definition signals will become the signal cues in the macro symbol.
In order to let the macro user specify the parameter values, parameters are named
(instead of given values) in the Argument Definition symbol. The “internal”
parameters are then given the name #parameter name. The # tells the internal
program that the parameter value is specified by the macro user.
Programmers must name the parameter in the Argument Definition symbol
entering the “#parameter name” in the macro program.
Programming the Argument Definition Symbol – Detail View
Save the macro by selecting
File | Save
. Enter a file name and save it with a .umc
extension in the Usrmacro folder.
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows