SIMPL™ Windows
Compiler Errors Defined
This program has no signals – cannot create
For a program to do something useful, it must have at least one signal defined. A
program with no signals can’t do anything and therefore the compiler cannot produce
a valid binary file.
Signal “SIGNAL_NAME” has no driving source.
Cresnet programming is like a schematic, and all wires on a schematic should have a
source point and a destination point. A signal without destination is like a wire that’s
run to a chip but has no point of origin. Often such an error is due to misspelling a
signal name while connecting it between gates.
Signal “SIGNAL NAME” has no destination.
Cresnet programming is like a schematic, and all wires on a schematic should have a
source point and a destination point. A signal without a destination is like a wire
that’s run from a chip but goes nowhere. Often such an error is due to misspelling a
signal name while connecting it between gates. Often a programmer may attach a
signal to the output of a gate if a particular output is considered mandatory, but this
signal is never used. On logic gates (
macros), a programmer can put a 0 on an
output that is considered mandatory if they are not using that output. Such an
example would be on an RMV in which the programmer does not want to use the
OUT line but they do want to use the [OUT*] line.
The output binary file cannot be opened for write. Generally this happens if another
application currently has the file open for write or there is no disk space left.
End Of String encountered before a complete hex constant was specified in S-3,
Prompt "string".
A valid hex constant is specified as a \ followed by an X or x followed by 2
hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F). If a hex constant is specified but not completed,
as in the above example, then this message is generated. The error message that tells
you what symbol the error was encountered in (S-3) and the particular prompt on the
symbol where the error occurred (“string”).
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows