Software Crestron
SIMPL™ Windows
Illegal Hex Character “\xFZ” in S-1, prompt “string”
Hexadecimal constants are specified as \x followed by two valid hex digits. Valid
hex digits are 0-9 and A-F. If you want to specify single digit hex constants (i.e., B),
you should write \x0B not \xB.
Signal “SIGNAL_NAME” in Macro S-1 (Macro name C:\MYMACROS\FLY-
LOGO.UMC) has no driving source.
Cresnet programming is like a schematic, and all wires on a schematic should have a
source point and a destination point. A signal without destination is like a wire that’s
run to a chip but has no point of origin. Often such an error is due to misspelling a
signal name while connecting it between gates.
Signal “SIGNAL_NAME” in Macro S-1 (Macro name C:\MYMACROS\FLY-
LOGO.UMC) has no destination.
Cresnet programming is like a schematic, and all wires on a schematic should have a
source point and a destination point. A signal without a destination is like a wire
that’s run from a chip but goes nowhere. Often such an error is due to misspelling a
signal name while connecting it between gates. Often a programmer may attach a
signal to the output of a gate if a particular output is considered mandatory, but this
signal is never used. On logic gates (Not macros), a programmer can put a 0 on an
output that is considered mandatory if they are not using that output. Such an
example would be on an RMV in which the programmer does not want to use the
OUT line but they do want to use the [OUT*] line.
Incompatible value 1000s for prompt time on Macro C:\MYMACROS\FLY-
This error can occur if a parameter specified on a macro is not valid for the
parameter it is replacing on a gate internal to the macro.
Invalid serial settings specified for Slot 1 Port A, assuming RS-232, 9600 N81 No
If invalid serial settings are detected for a serial port, then this error message issued.
A know serial specification of 9600 N81, No Handshake, is used in these instances.
Number of Digital Signals exceeds system capacity.
A given Cresnet system has certain limitations. If the compiler detects that one of
these limitations has been exceeded, one or more of these messages may be issued.
The status that comes up at the end of the compile will have the particular limitation
flagged with a “*” in front of the message.
Crestron SIMPL Windows
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C