Software Crestron
SIMPL™ Windows
Control via a Visual Basic application requires the CNX Gateway, but does not
require a web server.
For more detailed information, refer to the SDK documentation. Manuals in Adobe
Acrobat format are provided on the CD ROM supplied with the SDK.
Hardware Preparation –
CNMSX-AV and Pro
Follow these steps to enable Ethernet communications in your CNX control system:
1. Install the Direct Processor Access (DPA) card into the CNMSX. Refer to
the latest revision of the CNXENET manual (DOC. 8129) or the
manual (DOC. 8153) for instructions.
2. Connect your PC to the CNMSX computer port via a serial cable, as usual.
Refer to the latest revision of the CNMSX manual (DOC. 8118) for
3. Ensure you have installed SIMPL Windows version 1.21.03 or later.
4. Upgrade the firmware in the control system using the ViewPort (available
through SIMPL Windows): you should install a monitor, operating system,
and TCP/IP stack, which are delivered along with SIMPL Windows as one
compacted file (with extension UPZ). These files will be installed in a
directory called “firmware\msx” at the same level as the SIMPL Windows
root directory. By default this would be: “c:\crestron\firmware\msx”. It
may be necessary to upgrade to an intermediate version of the monitor first
and then to the required version of the monitor, but the ViewPort will notify
you if this is necessary. After you have completed this step, you may
disable the TCP/IP stack if you do not intend to use it. This will provide
more memory for your program, but of course will disable Ethernet
communications. This is done by setting the control system’s IP address to
5. Assign an IP address to the control system: in the ViewPort select
Control System IP Information
from the
menu to assign an IP
address as well as a gateway address and subnet mask (see these terms
defined later in this document for more information). These addresses
should be obtained from your MIS department. The IP address must be
unique. IP addresses have four fields separated by periods, e.g.
6. Connect your control system to the Ethernet network. Your PC may
communicate to the control system either via Ethernet (if it is equipped with
a network card and has been properly set up with an IP address itself), or
continue to operate via the serial connection.
7. Test the IP address of the control system by "pinging" it: From a networked
PC bring up an MS-DOS prompt (Windows 95/98) or "Command Prompt"
(Windows NT) and type "ping <ip address>". The control system responds
with several lines "Reply from address <ip-address>…". If you are running
on an "isolated network" (i.e. a network that contains only your PC and the
CNMSX equipment and is not connected to the larger intranet) you may see
additional lines reporting problems from other addresses, which can be
ignored. If you do not get a response from the "ping" to the IP address of
the CNMSX, go back to the previous steps to see if you can find an error.
8. If you are setting up a second control system for inter-system
communication, repeat the steps above with the second system.
Crestron SIMPL Windows
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C