SIMPL™ Windows
Clicking the first button will display the page that was assigned to this page jump. In
this example, the VCR button displays Page2-VCR Control. The display is clear
because Page2-VCR Control has been named but no objects have been added at this
Selecting VCR Page
Active/Inactive Text and Join Numbers
A typical VCR Control page will have a text object that appears as a header on the
top row of the display and objects that are control functions assigned to each
function button on the bottom row. These objects on the button row are shown in the
inactive state (none of the buttons are being pressed).
Typical VCR Page
To give the user a visual cue that a function button has been pressed, it is possible to
program active text. Double click on the object to display the “Edit Panel Object”
window. Select a
Digital Channel
(join number) and enter
Active Text
. Click
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows