SIMPL™ Windows
Drag-n-Drop Ethernet Control Module – Virtual Communication Port
In the Program Manager, connect the transmit and receive serial signals from the
Intersystem Communications symbol to the transmit and receive terminals of the
Virtual Comm Port symbol.
Connect Signals
One restriction is that the IP IDs of the Virtual Comm Ports (VCP) of any two
communicating control systems must match. That is, in system A you may have
defined a VCP defined at IP ID 07, with the corresponding IP address of system B.
In system B, you also must have a VCP defined at IP ID 07, this time with the
corresponding IP address of system A. You can, however, have as many Virtual
Comm Ports in a control system as there are valid IP IDs (max of 251), so you can
talk to many control systems, or have several different communication channels
between the same two control systems. It may be helpful to think of an IP ID as a
"channel", and thus the channels must match for information to be exchanged.
You can easily debug system-to-system communication by using standard serial
communication in a test environment and then re-routing the Intersystem
Communications serial signals to Virtual Comm Ports after all of the logic has been
confirmed to work.
Installation & Operations Guide – DOC. 5728C
Crestron SIMPL Windows