19687-100 rev s (10-17)
© Copyright 2005, Creative Playthings
Page 9
ASSeMbly inStruCtionS
SteP 1 - Sandbox base & Corner Posts:
separate and identify hardware and components. lay the
components on the ground close to the work area. have the
separated hardware nearby on a flat surface.
locate the four Corner Posts (F), two sandbox ends (n),
and two sandbox sides (T) as shown.
assemble one Corner Post (F) to one sandbox end (n) and
one sandbox side (T) using four 5/16 x 4" hex bolt assem-
blies as shown.*
SteP 2 - Completed base Assembly:
Following the same procedures as step 1, assemble the re-
maining Corner Posts (F), sandbox ends (n), and sandbox
sides (T). be sure to note the position of the large holes
at the top of each Corner Post. The holes should face the
inside of the gym.
Pre-Assembly note:
These instructions are intended for the construction of this gym in the configuration shown in the
cover illustration. The slide and access ladder can be attached to the gym on any side as long as they do not confict
with other play accessories.
the Slide and Access ladder should never be positioned on the same side as swing
accessories such as a Swing beam.
* note: a hex bolt assembly consists of one hex bolt, one
lock Washer, one Flat Washer and one Weld nut.
note: The large hole at the
top of the post should face
the inside of the gym.