Xenus Plus Compact STO Manual
16-01553 Rev 00
Page 9 of 31
Copley Controls
Installation Overview
This graphic shows all of the elements in a complete
Xenus Plus Compact
installation. The STO feature and
interface to the machine-level functional safety equipment are highlighted in red to emphasize the aspects of the
installation that are addressed in this manual.
A UL RC (Recognized Component) SPD (Surge Protective Device) type 1CA, 2CA, 3CA or a UL Listed (VZCA) SPD type 1,
2, or 3 rated 2500 V, with a minimum SCCR of 5 kA, 240 Vac, and surge voltage monitoring needs to be provided. The
purpose of the SPD is to establish an OVC II environment. Example parts are Cooper Bussman BSPM3240DLG (3 phase)
or BSPM2240S3G (two-pole). Alternatively, an isolation transformer may be used between AC mains and the drive to
establish an OVC II environment.
There are certain terms used throughout this document that serve an important role in describing the operation
and behavior of the
Xenus Plus Compact
STO feature. These terms are discussed and defined as follows:
– This term is used to refer to action taken that results in the safe state being entered. In the case of
the STO feature, the STO function is
) by making the voltage at one or both STO inputs
less than or equal to the maximum rated
threshold voltage.
– This term is used to refer to action taken that results in the safe state being exited. In the case of
the STO feature, the STO function is
) by making the voltage at both STO inputs
greater than or equal to the minimum rated
threshold voltage.
– This term refers to the application of voltage greater than or equal to the minimum rated
threshold voltage to an individual STO input. Note that simultaneously
both STO inputs results in the
STO function being
– This term refers to the application of voltage less than or equal to the maximum rated
de-energize threshold voltage to an individual STO input. Note that de-energizing an STO input results
in the STO function being activated
Fig. 1