• Check so that there is no material in the hopper or cutter housing before start.
If there is material in hopper or cutter housing, the granulator cutter will be
impeded at start. The granulator motor will be over loaded and the overload
circuit breaker trips.
Clean the granulator.
Check the overload circuit breaker “F1” for the granulator
motor in the electrical cabinet.
If the overload circuit breaker trips shows “0” in the
window “A”.
Reset, press the “Reset” button “B”.
• Granulator with blower the granulator will not start, if
the extraction blower does not start.
Check the motor protection switch “Q2” in the electrical cabinet to the
extraction blower.
If the motor protection switch has switched “Off”, the switch knob
is standing in a position between “0” and “1”.
Reset – first turn the switch knob to position “0” and then to
position “1”.
Check so that there is no material in the cutter housing, granule bin
or conveyor system before start.
If there is material in cutter housing, granule bin or conveyor
system, the blower motor will be impeded at start. The blower
motor will be overloaded and the motor protection switch trips.
Re-start the granulator, granule bin and conveyor system.
Re-start the granulator.
• If the granulator is equipped with a speed monitor, and if the cutter does not
reach the correct speed after start, the granulator stops, the speed monitor trips.
Check that there is no material in the hopper or cutter housing before start.
If there is material in hopper or cutter housing, the cutter will be
impeded and does not reach correct speed, the speed monitor
Clean and restart the granulator.
Ensure that the drive belts are not slipping.
The speed monitor has no reset.
The granulator stops for some unaccountable reason
• Check the overload circuit breaker for the granulator motor
The granulator motor has an overload circuit breaker, “F1”, in
the electrical cabinet, which trips if you jam or overload the granulator.
Check the overload circuit breaker “F1” for the granulator motor in
the electrical cabinet.
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l O p e r a t i o n a n d D a i l y M a i n t e n a n c e