P a r t s o f t h e s a f e t y s y s t e m
The parts of the safety system shall prevent contact with dangerous items during
operation in order to avoid personal injury.
The safety system includes:
Emergency stop
Cutter lock
– mechanical brake
Safety switches – position switches
Standstill monitor– with inductive sensing
The granulator safety system must not be changed or modified under any circum-
If the safety system is modified in any way, Conair’s responsibility under the
Machinery Directive ceases to apply.
The function of the safety system is described in section 3 of the instruction
Only spare parts from Conair must be used to replace components of the safety
I m p o r t a n t p a r t s b e l o n g i n g t o t h e s a f e t y s y s -
t e m o f t h e g r a n u l a t o r
The granulator inlet part should always be installed during operation.
The granulator shall never be used without the inlet part.
The granule bin should always before start be properly installed.
The cutter house door must always be properly closed.
S e c u r i t y l
4 - 3