Video adVanced oPtions
By clicking “
Show Advanced Options
” (upper left menu button) several other encoding options
are presented:
Bitrate Optimization
- This option is set to “
” for the typical bitrates used by LiveShot. It
balances the choices made by the encoding algorithm between total network bandwidth and quality.
In some cases, users may want to experiment with setting this parameter manually. Not recommended
for casual users.
- Video encoding on LiveShot can work in interlaced or progressive mode. This choice
is made independently from the native format of the input and output video. With the deinterlacer
turned on, the choice is made to encode in progressive format regardless of the format of the input
video. The deinterlacer option is only available on profiles set to full native frame rate. If frame rate
is reduced in the profile, the deinterlacer is always on, as this function requires that input video be
progressive. Also, connections that utilize the CrossLock throttling function (recommended for wireless
connections) also require to encode in progressive, so this option should be left “
”. If you are
applying interlaced video to the LiveShot encoder, (and not utilizing the CrossLock function e.g. on a
managed WAN) the way to avoid unnecessary conversions from interlaced to progressive is to set the
option to
interlaced mode
When the encoding interlaced video (interlaced video applied to LiveShot and Deinterlacer set to
disabled), this option determines which of three encoding modes to choose. This option has no effect
on progressive video (the default when using CrossLock throttling).
The options are:
Field Encoding (default)
- Encodes each field separately as an individual picture.
Picture Adaptive
- (also called
), looks at each field pair and decides whether there was
any motion in the scene at all. If motion was detected, field encoding is chosen. If there was no motion,
the fields are combined into a single frame and encoded. This can be more efficient because there is
substantial common data between the two fields.
Macroblock Adaptive (commonly called MBAFF)
- makes the same decision as Picture Adaptive, but
it does so for each macroblock in the field pair. So, an image that has motion in some parts but not
others (which for many types of content accounts for the majority of the frames) can take advantage
of both approaches.