LIveShot enCode/deCode LImItS
The codec engine within LiveShot has a lot of responsibility, including maintaining a consistent video
encode and decode stream (if a full-duplex profile is chosen). There are many options involving bitrates
and resolutions that can make this engine work very hard. Here are some general limits to what you
can expect from LiveShot.
The aggregate video bitrate (send and receive) in a LiveShot profile should be
15Mbps or less. E.g., if you are running one-way video, your profile can encode up
to 15Mbps. If you are running full duplex with a 2Mbps return channel, limit your
outgoing video encoder to 13Mbps.
LiveShot can not generally support 1080i encoding in both directions simultane
ously. If you need 1080i encoding in the outgoing direction, encode the return
channel at 720 lines or less. Note this limitation is in regard to the actual encode
bitrate, not the input video resolution. LiveShot can handle 1080i inputs and out
puts in each direction.