TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
3. LLC
SSAP Address Valid SSAP(Source Service Access Point) can vary from 0x00 to 0xFF or
‘Any’, the default value is ‘Any’.
DSAP Address Valid DSAP(Destination Service Access Point) can vary from 0x00 to
0xFF or ‘Any’, the default value is ‘Any’.
Control Valid Control field can vary from 0x00 to 0xFF or ‘Any’, the default value is ‘Any’.
PID Valid PID(a.k.a Ethernet type) can have value within 0x00-0xFFFF or ‘Any’, default
value is ‘Any’.
5. IPv4
Protocol IP protocol number: (0-255, TCP or UDP) or ‘Any’.
Source IP Specific Source IP address in value/mask format or ‘Any’. IP and Mask are in
the format x.y.z.w where x, y, z, and w are decimal numbers between 0 and 255. When
Mask is converted to a 32-bit binary string and read from left to right, all bits following
the first zero must also be zero.
DSCP Diffserv Code Point value (DSCP): It can be a specific value, range of values or
‘Any’. DSCP values are in the range 0-63 including BE, CS1-CS7, EF or AF11-AF43.
IP Fragment Ipv4 frame fragmented option: yes|no|any.
Sport Source TCP/UDP port(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable for IP
protocol UDP/TCP.
Dport Destination TCP/UDP port(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable for
IP protocol UDP/TCP
Protocol IP protocol number: (0-255, TCP or UDP) or ‘Any’.
Source IP IPv6 source address: (a.b.c.d) or ‘Any’, 32 LS bits.
DSCP Diffserv Code Point value (DSCP): It can be a specific value, range of values or
‘Any’. DSCP values are in the range 0-63 including BE, CS1-CS7, EF or AF11-AF43.
Sport Source TCP/UDP port:(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable for IP
protocol UDP/TCP.
Dport Destination TCP/UDP port:(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable
for IP protocol UDP/TCP.
Class QoS class: (0-7) or ‘Default’.
DP Valid Drop Precedence Level can be (0-1) or ‘Default’.
DSCP Valid DSCP value can be (0-63, BE, CS1-CS7, EF or AF11-AF43) or ‘Default’.
‘Default’ means that the default classified value is not modified by this QCE.