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Bulletin # 7693902 Rev. L
Technical Publication
© 2016 CommScope
Notice: CommScope disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results of improper or unsafe installation, inspection, maintenance, or removal practices.
Aviso: CommScope no acepta ninguna obligación ni responsabilidad como resultado de prácticas incorrectas o peligrosas de instalación, inspección, mantenimiento o retiro.
Avis : CommScope décline toute responsabilité pour les conséquences de procédures d’installation, d’inspection, d’entretien ou de retrait incorrectes ou dangereuses.
Hinweis: CommScope lehnt jede Haftung oder Verantwortung für Schäden ab, die aufgrund unsachgemäßer Installation, Überprüfung, Wartung oder Demontage auftreten.
Atenção: A CommScope abdica do direito de toda responsabilidade pelos resultados de práticas inadequadas e sem segurança de instalação, inspeção, manutenção ou remoção.
Avvertenza: CommScope declina eventuali responsabilità derivanti dell’esecuzione di procedure di installazione, ispezione, manutenzione e smontaggio improprie o poco sicure.
1100 CommScope Place SE P.O. Box 339, Hickory, NC 28603-0339
(828) 324-2200 (800) 982-1708
Customer Service 24 hours
North America: +1-800-255-1479 (toll free)
Any country: +1-779-435-6500
email: [email protected]
Tails are properly supported to prevent strain on fibre during severe weather
Bend radius minimums haven't been exceeded
CommScope approved installation accessories are used
Maximum hanger spacing of 0.9 m (3 ft) - 1.2 m (4 ft) is maintained
Visually inspected end face for residual dirt and damage
Avoid migration of contaminations from one connector to another
Check continuity by using LED or lazer light source from one end face and look for light from other end to
identify any broken fibre (Do not look directly at cable with lazer source)
Fibre connections are engaged and the sectors are consistent with requirements
Cable serial number has been documented in the closeout paperwork and a copy has been left on-site
Section 14:
Installation Check List