CDX2000 / 13.56 MHz & 400 kHz Manual
© 2006 Comdel, Inc.
+/- 3.0% deviation from a straight line for successive
requested setpoint power increment changes, from 10% to
100% max output, as measured by either the actual output
power and/or the analog read back signal on Pin 3.
Short Term Stability:
+/- 1.0% for any given output power setpoint during one
continuous hour of output.
Long Term Stability:
+/- 5.0% for any given output power setpoint during 3 years of
continuous output.
Rise Time:
Less than 100 ms; from leading edge of enable signal to 90%
of power level requested.
Zero Setpoint:
Less than 5.0 W actual output power and less than 5.0 W read
back power when setpoint signal is at zero or at a negative
High Frequency 13.56 MHz Section
Output Frequency and Stability:
13.56 MHz +/- 0.005%
Low Frequency 400 kHz Section Output
Frequency Range and Auto Tuning:
The 400 kHz Section shall have an output frequency range
of 380 kHz to 420 kHz. The unit shall include an auto-tune
feature to self adjust frequency for the lowest VSWR over
this range. The auto tune feature should operate
independent of the length of coaxial cable used to interface
the output to the plasma/resonant load.
The auto tuning frequency sweep will be of a continuous
nature or comprised of discreet frequency steps of step
size no larger than 100 Hz. This should be capable of auto
tuning to within 0.8 kHz of the actual resonant frequency.
The auto tune circuit shall lock to the lowest VSWR within
2 seconds.
Output Filtering:
(for full power into 50 ohms)
13.56 MHz Output:
Harmonic Signals:
less than -40 dBc
Spurious Signals:
less than -50 dBc
AM & FM Noise:
less than -60 dBc
(@ 50 kHz offset)
400 kHz Output:
Harmonic Signals:
less than -40 dBc
Spurious Signals:
less than -50 dBc
AM & FM Noise:
less than -50 dBc
(@ 20 kHz offset)
RF Coupling:
Due to RF coupling in the plasma chamber the 400 kHz output
section design may require a 13.56 MHz dissipation or filter
circuit so that the coupled 13.56 MHz power does not disturb
the 400 kHz output section in any way. Similarly, it may be
necessary to also ensure that 400 kHz power does not couple
into the 13.56 MHz output section and cause any