1.3.2. Aeterna Coin Mechanism with side cash-box
It is a Coin Mechanism similar to the standard version as regards the technologies used and the
operation modes of the different modules, but it differs because in this case the slide which con-
veys the coin to the cash-box ends on the Coin Mechanism’s side. This permits to place the box for
coin recovery at the Coin Mechanism’s side, whereas it does not result possible to place the con-
tainer in another position.
fig. 4
1 = Aeterna Coin Mechanism with side cash-box
2 = Slot for coin output with cash destination
3 = Box for coin collection
1.3.3. Label for Coin Mechanism configuration
The Change Giver Coin Mechanism is supplied with a configuration label. It shall be sticked on the
vending machine and has two functions: to give instructrions to the user about which coins the
Change-giver can accept and to inform that it can give the change in case any excess credit is