The Admin tab contains a number of general administrative functions, each on its own tab. The
general layout is shown below:
The Admin tabs are:
Manages a number of general card parameters; provides an SNMP MIB
Manages firmware images.
Config Files:
The BBG-1090-DEC-MPEG has the ability to store multiple
configurations, and it has a number of pre-set configurations as well. These are managed
in this tab.
License Keys:
Contains the current licensing state of the BBG-1090-DEC-MPEG, and
allows for new license keys to be entered.
Event Log:
The BBG-1090-DEC-MPEG contains a non-volatile event log. It can be
inspected and downloaded from this tab.
The Admin Statistics tabs are simplified read-only versions of the corresponding Admin
Configuration tabs. They will not be explicitly described here.
Admin General Tab
The Admin General Tab includes the following parameters:
Card Name:
This field defaults to BBG-1090-DEC-MPEG but can be set to any
descriptive name. The name provided here will also appear in the Dashboard™ Tree