Operating Instructions
CNC-STEP e.K. ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 16
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
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R e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f t h e o p e r a t o r
Operator is the person who operates the machine for commercial or economic purposes, or leaves
the use / application to a third party and bears responsibility during the operation of the product for
the protection of the user, the staff and third party.
Operator obligations
The machine is used in the commercial sector. The operator of the machine is therefore subject to
the legal obligations concerning occupational safety. Apart from the safety instructions given in this
manual, it is necessary to meet all safety, accident prevention and environmental protection
requirements applicable to the equipment's field of use and operating site.
The following principles apply in particular:
The operating company must inform itself about the effective industrial regulations and
determine additional hazards in a risk assessment that result through the special working
conditions at the place of operating the machine. He must implement this in the form of
operating instructions for the operation of the machine.
During the complete usage time of the machine, the owner must check whether the
operating instructions created by him correspond with the current status of the regulations
and must adapt them if necessary.
The owner must clearly regulate and specify the responsibilities for installation, operation,
maintenance and cleaning
The operator of the machine must ensure that all persons having access to it, have read and
understood these instructions. In addition he must at regular intervals train the employees in
how to deal with the machine and inform them about potential hazards.
The operating company must provide the required safety equipment for the personnel and
order to wear protective equipment.
Moreover, the equipment operator is responsible for ensuring that the equipment is in proper
technical condition at all times.
Thus, following applies:
The operating company must make sure that any and all maintenance intervals described in
this instruction are carried out.
The owner must arrange for all safety equipment to be checked regularly for functionality
and completeness.