Infusion of blood and blood products.
Infusion of insulin.
Infusion of critical medications whose stoppage or interruption could cause serious injury
or death.
Use in ambulatory regimens by patients who do not possess the mental, physical or
emotional capability to self-administer their therapy; or who are not under the care of a
responsible individual.
Pump Lockout Protection Features
The T34 has several lockout features that ensure that unintended programming and key
presses do not occur.
The T34 syringe is contained within a locked box. Only the healthcare provider is able to
open the box.
After the healthcare provider programs the T34 for infusion, they will lock the program
with a special code. The T34 infusion program cannot be changed unless the healthcare
provider re-enters the code and changes the program.
The keypad has a locking feature that prevents unintentional power off of the unit. This
lock is available to the patient.
Service screens and troubleshooting are protected with a technician’s code. These codes are only
available to personnel trained in servicing the T34.