The T34 Syringe Pump has been carefully manufactured from the highest quality components.
Caesarea Medical Electronics Ltd. (CME) guarantees the pump against defects in material and
workmanship for twelve (12) months from date of purchase.
CME’s obligation, or that of its designated representative under this Limited Warranty, shall be
limited, at CME’s option, or that of its designated representative, to repairing or replacing
pumps, which upon examination, are found to be defective in material or workmanship. The
repair or replacement of any product under this Limited Warranty shall not extend the
abovementioned Warranty period.
All repairs under this Limited Warranty should be undertaken only by qualified, trained service
personnel. In the event that a pump is found to be defective during the warranty period, the
purchaser shall notify CME or its designated representative within thirty (30) days after such
defect is discovered.
The defective pump should be sent immediately to CME or its designated representative for
inspection, repair or replacement. Shipping costs are the purchaser’s responsibility.
Material returned to CME or its designated representative should be properly packaged using
CME shipping cartons and inserts. Inadequate packaging may result in damage to the pump.
This Limited Warranty shall not apply to defects or damage caused, wholly or in part, by
negligence, spilt fluids, dropping of the pump, misuse, abuse, improper installation or alteration
by anyone other than qualified, trained personnel; or to damage resulting from inadequate
packaging in shipping the pump to CME or its designated representative. If, after inspection,
CME or its designated representative is unable to identify a problem, CME or its designated
representative reserves the right to invoice purchaser for said inspection.
This Limited Warranty is the sole and entire warranty pertaining to CME’s products and is in
lieu of and excludes all other warranties of any nature whatsoever, whether stated, or implied or
arising by operation of law, trade, usage or course of dealing, including but not limited to,
warranties of merchantability and warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Purchaser
expressly agrees that the remedies granted to it under this limited warranty are purchaser’s sole
and exclusive remedies with respect to any claim of purchaser arising under this Limited
Mr. Zvi Barak
Managing Director
Caesarea Medical Electronics Ltd.