Clifford Matrix RS2 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3


Table of Contents


Whhaatt IIss IInncclluuddeedd...........................................4

Waarrnniinngg!! SSaaffeettyy FFiirrsstt .....................................4
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPooiinnttss ttoo R




Before Beginning the Installation...............5
Finding the Tachometer Wire ....................6
Finding the Wait-to-Start Bulb Wire 
for Diesels..................................................6
After the Installation..................................7


maarryy H

Haarrnneessss ((H



Wiirree C

Coonnnneeccttiioonn G

Guuiiddee ................................7


Auuxxiilliiaarryy H

Haarrnneessss ((H



Wiirree C

Coonnnneeccttiioonn G

Guuiiddee ..............................12


Reellaayy SSaatteelllliittee K

Keeyy SSw

wiittcchh IInntteerrffaaccee W



Coonnnneeccttiioonn G

Guuiiddee ((H

Heeaavvyy G

Gaauuggee W

Wiirreess)) ....15



moottee SSttaarrtt R

Riibbbboonn PPlluugg-IInn H

Haarrnneessss  .......16



moottee SSttaarrtt H

Haarrnneessss ((H



Wiirree C

Coonnnneeccttiioonn G

Guuiiddee ..............................16 


Neeuuttrraall SSaaffeettyy SSw

wiittcchh IInntteerrffaaccee....................19

Testing the Neutral Safety Switch ............19

11999955 aanndd N


weerr V




Thheefftt SSyysstteem

mss ((IIm


moobbiilliizzeerrss)) ..............21

Passlock I and Passlock II 
(PL-1 and PL-2) ......................................21
Passkey III (PK-3), 
Transponder-Based Systems .....................22


Byyppaassssiinngg G






Thheefftt SSyysstteem

mss ((V




PPlluugg-IInn H

Haarrnneesssseess ........................................24

Super Bright LED....................................24

Valet/Program Switch .............................24

SShhoocckk SSeennssoorr H

Haarrnneessss,, 44-PPiinn C

Coonnnneeccttoorr .....25



meerr IInntteerrffaaccee,, 33-PPiinn PPoorrtt................25


Doooorr LLoocckk H

Haarrnneessss ((H



Wiirree C

Coonnnneeccttiioonn G

Guuiiddee ..............................26



miinngg JJuum


Digital Tach Filter On/Off.......................26
Light Flash Jumper ..................................27




Reecceeiivveerr LLeeaarrnn R




miitttteerr C

Coonnffiigguurraattiioonnss .........................29

4-Button Transmitter Configuration........28
Optional Radar Master Transmitter .........30


Muullttii-LLeevveell SSeeccuurriittyy A


miinngg .......................30


m FFeeaattuurreess LLeeaarrnn R


FFeeaattuurree M


Feature Menu 1 - Basic Features ..............33
Feature Menu 2 - Advanced Features .......33
Feature Menu 3 - Remote Start Features..34

FFeeaattuurree D

Deessccrriippttiioonnss ....................................34

Feature Menu 1 - Basic Features ..............34
Feature Menu 2 - Advanced Features .......36
Feature Menu 3 - Remote Start Features..37

FFaallssee A


m C

Coonnttrrooll T

Teecchhnnoollooggyy ((FFA



T)) ...39


Vaalleett M




meerr M

Mooddee ................................................40


Taabbllee ooff Z



wnn D

Diiaaggnnoossttiiccss .................................41

LLoonngg T


m E

Evveenntt H

Hiissttoorryy ...........................41

SSaaffeettyy C



Trroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg ..........................................43

Alarm Troubleshooting ............................43
Remote Start Troubleshooting..................44


Wiirriinngg Q

Quuiicckk R

Reeffeerreennccee G

Guuiiddee ...................48

Содержание Matrix RS2

Страница 1: ...2001 Directed Electronics Inc N909553 7 01 Rev N C 1 0 Matrix RS2 Installation Guide...

Страница 2: ...ite Nuisance Prevention Circuitry NPC Revenger Silent Mode Soft Chirp Stinger Valet Vehicle Recovery System VRS and Warn Away are all Trademarks or Registered Trademarks of Directed Electronics Inc Vi...

Страница 3: es s 24 Super Bright LED 24 Valet Program Switch 24 S Sh ho oc ck k S Se en ns so or r H Ha ar rn ne es ss s 4 4 P Pi in n C Co on nn ne ec ct to or r 25 P Pr ro og gr ra am mm me er r I In nt te...

Страница 4: ...when having the vehicle serviced the remote engine starting system must be disabled using the installed toggle switch 3 It is the user s sole responsibility to properly handle and keep out of reach fr...

Страница 5: ...ed or properly reinstalled so that the vehicle does not start in gear All installations must be performed by an authorized Directed dealer OPERATION OFTHE REMOTE START MODULE IFTHE VEHICLE STARTS IN G...

Страница 6: ...tage 12V or 20V is fine 2 Attach the probe of the meter to chassis ground 3 Start and run the vehicle 4 Probe the wire you suspect of being the tachometer wire with the red probe of the meter 5 If thi...

Страница 7: ...te the Safety Check section of this guide prior to the vehicle reassembly Primary Harness H1 Wire Connection Guide The primary harness supplied with this unit is the standard 12 pin harness used by Di...

Страница 8: ...ITE wire should be connected to the parking light wire If the light flash polarity jumper near the main plug is moved to the opposite position see the Programming Jumper section of this installation g...

Страница 9: ...entary push button switch to make access to Valet Take Over Mode and Timer Mode more convenient H1 4 BLACK WHITE 200 mA Domelight Supervision Output Connect this wire to the optional domelight supervi...

Страница 10: ...seconds will trigger the Warning Zone response while inputs longer than 0 8 seconds will trigger the full alarm sequence If installing an optional Directed dual stage sensor connect both the blue and...

Страница 11: ...ed the control module s black ground wire H1 11 RED 12V Constant Power Input Before connecting this wire remove the supplied fuse Connect to the battery positive terminal or the constant 12V supply to...

Страница 12: ...Here are some common colors of this wire Chevrolet and GMC trucks Light blue or dark blue Ford Trucks Black pink Dodge Ram Trucks Orange black or black orange IMPORTANT A 1 amp diode must be installed...

Страница 13: used to pulse the disarm wire of the vehicle s factory anti theft device Use a relay to send a or pulse to the disarm wire as shown in the diagrams below This wire can also be used as a special ac...

Страница 14: ...that controls Channel 4 again 30 second timed Output that will send a continuous signal for 30 seconds Second unlock output This output can also be programmed to provide a second unlock pulse whenever...

Страница 15: ...factory supplies 12V to the key switch that is used to operate the motor it is recommended that these wires be connected there NOTE If the factory supplies two separate 12V feeds to the ignition swit...

Страница 16: ...used to rearm a factory anti theft system when the remote engine starting system shuts down See the Feature Descriptions section of this guide To bypass an optional sensor BLACK WHITE Neutral Safety S...

Страница 17: ...the system is armed and report Zone 1 H3 4 BROWN Brake Switch Input Zone 1 This wire MUST be connected to the vehicle s brake light wire This is the wire that shows 12V when the brake pedal is depres...

Страница 18: started while in a drive gear This input MUST rest at ground in order for the remote engine starting system to operate Connected properly the vehicle will only start while in PARK or NEUTRAL In som...

Страница 19: ...switch and a purple wire from the mechanical switch to the starter itself Remember this is only a rule of thumb and is not intended as a substitute for proper testing We suggest the following procedu...

Страница 20: ...system will shut down If this interface is used it is important to inform the customer to close the driver s door before inserting the key into the ignition when the remote engine starting system is...

Страница 21: ...le Anti Theft Systems Immobilizers 1995 and newer vehicle anti theft systems immobilizers require a bypass module The bypass module allows for easy interfacing while still maintaining the OEM system s...

Страница 22: ...clude Acura BMW Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ford Honda Infinity Mazda Mercedes Mitsubishi Nissan Toyota Volkswagon and Volvo PK 3 and the transponder based systems use a transponder system that locks out the...

Страница 23: ...VATS wires will be two very light gauge wires coming out of the steering column The colors of the wires vary but they are often contained in orange tubing either both will be white wires or one wire...

Страница 24: ...eck for clearance prior to drilling the mounting hole Valet Program Switch 2 Pin Blue Plug The Valet Program switch should be accessible from the driver s seat It plugs into the blue port on the side...

Страница 25: A Directed dual stage sensor may also be added to the blue wire on the Primary Harness H1 if you want the sensors to report separate zones BLUE Multiplex Input Zone 2 Inputs shorter than 0 8 second...

Страница 26: ...lter On Off In most cases this jumper can be left in the OFF position Some new vehicles use less than 12 volts in their ignition systems The unit may have trouble learning the tach signal in these veh...

Страница 27: ...been locked so that the features and channels cannot be altered via manual programming with the Valet switch If the siren generates one long chirp when attempting to program the transmitter receiver t...

Страница 28: ...f this guide Teaching a transmitter button to Channel 5 erases all previous programming from the transmitter s memory Similarly if the trans mitter is set up to use the separate arm disarm and panic c...

Страница 29: ...rm it is ready to receive the code from the transmitter To exit the learn routine One long chirp indicates that Learn Routine has been exited Learn Routine will be exited if any of the following occur...

Страница 30: ...can be selected as follows Pressing the arm button once The siren chirps once The system is armed Pressing the arm button twice within five seconds The siren chirps twice followed by a long chirp Zone...

Страница 31: ...y gauge PINK wire of the relay satellite must be connected 3 S Se el le ec ct t a a m me en nu u Press and HOLD the Valet Program switch The Valet Program switch must be plugged into the blue port Aft...

Страница 32: ...d press and release the Valet Program switch four times and then press it once more and HOLD it The siren would chirp seven times to confirm access to the seventh feature To select another menu 1 Pres...

Страница 33: ...6 Door sensor bypass chirp ON Door sensor bypass chirp OFF 2 7 Ignition controlled domelight ON Ignition controlled domelight OFF 2 8 Single unlock pulse Double unlock pulse 2 9 Factory disarm with Ch...

Страница 34: ...rming of the system 1 3 IGNITION CONTROLLED DOOR LOCKS ON OFF When turned on the doors will lock three seconds after the ignition is turned on and unlock when the ignition is turned off The TechSoft P...

Страница 35: ...d passive arming will ensure that the system will passively arm even if a zone is left open or invalid Forced passive arming occurs one hour after the ignition is turned off 1 8 AUTOMATIC ENGINE DISAB...

Страница 36: ...ets the one hour timer If one hour passes and the zone has not triggered again the zone is activated and can trigger the system again FACT monitors sensor inputs and door triggers but does not bypass...

Страница 37: ...system any time is pressed 2 10 CHANNEL 4 VALIDITY LATCHED LATCHED RESET WITH IGNITION 30 SECOND TIMED SECOND UNLOCK OUTPUT Channel Four can be programmed for these output configurations The unit is s...

Страница 38: ...e engine off and the car running is very small and the remote engine starting unit may think the vehicle has not started This can cause the remote engine starting system to shut down after the car has...

Страница 39: ...pass without a trigger or for the ignition to be turned on This allows the system to be repeatedly triggered disarmed and rearmed and still allow FACT to bypass a faulty zone When disarming the system...

Страница 40: ...engine again in three hours Timer Mode is exited automatically after the sixth run cycle Timer Mode can also be exited manually as follows 1 Make sure the remote engine starting system is not operatin...

Страница 41: ...nute in the following grouped patterns see following table The LED status indicator will stop flashing when the ignition is turned on Long Term Event History The system stores the last two full trigge...

Страница 42: ...leted before testing including connection to the brake switch and hood switch 1 Test the BRAKE shutdown circuit With the vehicle in Park P activate the remote engine starting system Once the engine is...

Страница 43: ...installation if it fails any of the safety check tests Troubleshooting Alarm Troubleshooting Starter interrupt doesn t work Is the correct wire being interrupted If the car starts when the starter int...

Страница 44: ...witch doesn t work Is it plugged into the correct socket See Plug In Harnesses section of this guide LED status indicator doesn t work You ve probably guessed already but here goes Is it plugged in Se...

Страница 45: ...he vehicle have an immobilizer The vehicle s immobilizer will cut the fuel and or spark during unauthorized starting attempts 2 Is the remote start programmed for voltage sense If so the start time ma...

Страница 46: ...ference If this does not work a tach wire should be used 2 Check diagnostics The climate control system does not work while the unit is operating the vehicle Either the wrong accessory wire is being e...

Страница 47: ...www clifford com 47 Notes...

Страница 48: ...48 2001 Directed Electronics Inc Wiring Quick Reference Guide...
