Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with the CLI
Command Usage Basics
Using the No and Default Forms of Commands
Almost every configuration command has a no form. In general, use the no form
Disable a feature or function.
Reset a command to its default values.
Reverse the action of a command. For example, the no shutdown command
reverses the shutdown of an interface.
Use the command without the no form to reenable a disabled feature or to reverse
the action of a no command.
Configuration commands can also have a default form. The default form of a
command returns the command setting to its default.
Redisplaying a Command
To redisplay a command you previously entered, press the up-arrow key. You can
continue to press the up-arrow key for more commands.
Getting Help
Entering a question mark (?) at the system prompt displays a list of commands for
each command mode. You can also get a list of any command’s associated
keywords and arguments with the context-sensitive help feature.
The following are the commands to get help specific to a command mode, a
command, a keyword, or an argument:
help—Obtain a brief description of the help system in any command mode.
switch> help
abbreviated-command-entry?—Obtain a list of commands that begin with a
particular character string.
switch> dis?
switch> disable