Boot Using ZTP
Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) is used to deploy minimal configurations on several chassis. ZTP is used to
boot, set up, and configure the system. Configurations such as configuring the management ethernet interface,
installing SMUs, applications, and optional packages can be automated using ZTP. ZTP does not execute if
a user name is already configured in the system.
ZTP auto provisioning involves:
Downloads and executes the configuration files. The first line of the file must contain
for ZTP to process the file as a configuration.
Downloads and executes the script files. These script files include a programmatic approach to
complete a task. For example, scripts created using IOS XR commands to perform patch upgrades. The
first line of the file must contain
#! /bin/bash
#! /bin/sh
for ZTP to process the file as a script.
The user can either use the ZTP bash script or the ZTP configuration file.
host n1k {
#hardware ethernet 00:a0:c9:00:00:00;
option dhcp-client-identifier "<chassis-serial-number>";
filename "http://<IP-address>/<folder>/ncs1k-ztp.script";
#filename "http://<IP-address>/<folder>/ncs1k-ztp.cfg";
The following is the sample content of the ZTP bash script.
#! /bin/bash
# NCS1K Demo Sample
# ZTP installation of config and day-0 SMU's
source ztp_helper
#install the downloaded application.tgz
#Run XR CLI’s from the script
`xrcmd “show version”`
The following is the sample content of the ZTP configuration file. The user can automate all the configurations
such as configuring the management ethernet interface, slice provisioning, and so on.
!! IOS XR Configuration version = 6.3.2
telnet vrf default ipv4 server max-servers 20
vty-pool default 0 20 line-template default
interface MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
ipv4 address dhcp
no shutdown
router static
address-family ipv4 unicast
System Setup and Software Installation Guide for Cisco NCS 1002
Bring-up Cisco NCS 1002
Boot Using ZTP