Appendix D: Windows 95, 98, ME, Client for a Windows NT or 2000 Domain Server
EtherFast 10/100 LAN Card
Appendix D: Windows 95, 98, ME, Client for a Windows NT
or 2000 Domain Server
If you are installing the EtherFast® 10/100 LAN Card in a Windows 95, 98 or ME PC that you plan on logging into
a Windows NT or 2000 domain server, follow the directions below.
1. Start up Windows. Click on
, then
Control Panel.
Double-click on
. The Network
window appears with several tabs. Among these are tabs labeled Configuration and Access Control.
2. Click on the
tab. Select
Client for Microsoft Networks
in the Installed Components box and
click the
button. Verify that
Log on to Windows NT domain
is selected in the Logon Validation
box. For the Windows NT domain, enter the proper domain name (in Figure D-1, DOMAIN is entered). Under
Network logon options, select
Logon and restore network connection
. Click
3. Optional: Click on the
Access Contro
l tab. Make sure that
Share-level access control
is selected; do not
choose User-level access control. If Access Control is grayed out and cannot be selected, refer to the
Troubleshooting section.
4. When you’re done, click
. When asked if you want to restart your PC, restart your PC.
The Windows Domain portion of the Windows setup is complete.
Figure D-1: Network Properties