Chapter 1: Introduction
What’s in this Guide?
EtherFast 10/100 LAN Card
Appendix G: Installing the Network Protocols for Windows 95, 98, and ME
This appendix explains how to install the Windows Network Protocols.
Appendix H: About Plug-and-Play Technology
This appendix provides information about Plug-and-Play Technology
Appendix I: Uninstalling the Drivers with the Install Wizard
This appendix describes how to uninstall the driver.
Appendix J: Specifications
This appendix provides the Card’s technical specifications.
Appendix K: Warranty Information
This appendix supplies the Card’s warranty information.
Appendix L: Regulatory Information
This appendix supplies the Card’s regulatory information.
Appendix M: Contact Information
This appendix provides contact information for a variety of Linksys resources, including Technical Support.