Chapter 6: Using The Router’s Web-based Utility
The Status tab
EtherFast Cable/DSL VPN Router with 4-Port 10/100 Switch
Local Network
Local Network
screen displays information about the local network.
Local MAC Address.
The MAC Address of the Router’s LAN (local area network) interface is displayed here.
IP Address
. The Router’s local IP Address is shown here.
Subnet Mask
. The Router’s Subnet Mask is shown here.
DHCP Server.
If the Router is being utilized as a DHCP server will be displayed here.
DHCP Client Table
. Click the
DHCP Clients Table
button to view a list of PCs that have been assigned IP
addresses by the Router. The
DHCP Active IP Table
screen lists the DHCP Server IP Address, Client Hostnames, IP
Addresses, and MAC Addresses. To delete a DHCP Client, select the box beside their information and click the
button. Click the
button to update the information.
Click the
button to update the on-screen information.
Figure 6-32: Status tab - Local Network
Figure 6-33: DHCP Active IP Table