Chapter 5 Managing the ACE Software
Capturing and Copying Packet Information
Cisco 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance Administration Guide
0x0020: 45c0 002c b0de 0000 ff06 2005 0a07 6b0b E..,..........k.
0x0030: 0a07 6b0f 7604 0017 19b2 fb3b 0000 0000 ..k.v......;....
0x0040: 6002 1020 12d5 00 `......
0004: msg_type: PKT_RCV
con_id: 1090519041 other_con_id: 0
0x0000: 0840 004e 0050 8034 0000 000a 0000 0000 [email protected]........
0x0010: 0004 0011 5d6a f800 0005 9a3b 95d9 0800 ....]j.....;....
0x0020: 4500 002c 0000 4000 4006 50a4 0a07 6b0f E..,..@[email protected].
0x0030: 0a07 6b0b 0017 7604 f31b 6f71 19b2 fb3c ..k...v...oq...<
0x0040: 6012 16d0 a986 00 `......
0005: msg_type: PKT_RCV
con_id: 16777218 other_con_id: 0
0x0000: 8900 004e 0050 8034 0038 000a 0010 0a06 ...N.P.4.8......
0x0010: 0000 0005 9a3b 95d9 0011 5d6a f800 0800 .....;....]j....
0x0020: 45c0 0028 b0df 0000 ff06 2008 0a07 6b0b E..(..........k.
0x0030: 0a07 6b0f 7604 0017 19b2 fb3c f31b 6f72 ..k.v......<..or
0x0040: 5010 1020 c7f3 00 P......
0006: msg_type: PKT_RCV
con_id: 16777218 other_con_id: 0
0x0000: 8900 005a 0050 8034 0038 000a 0010 0a06 ...Z.P.4.8......
0x0010: 0000 0005 9a3b 95d9 0011 5d6a f800 0800 .....;....]j....
0x0020: 45c0 003a b0e0 0000 ff06 1ff5 0a07 6b0b E..:..........k.
0x0030: 0a07 6b0f 7604 0017 19b2 fb3c f31b 6f72 ..k.v......<..or
0x0040: 5018 1020 9a8a 0000 fffd 03ff fb18 fffb P...............
0x0050: 17ff fb ...
0007: msg_type: PKT_RCV
con_id: 16777218 other_con_id: 0
0x0000: 8900 004e 0050 8034 0038 000a 0010 0a06 ...N.P.4.8......
0x0010: 0000 0005 9a3b 95d9 0011 5d6a f800 0800 .....;....]j....
0x0020: 45c0 0028 b0e1 0000 ff06 2006 0a07 6b0b E..(..........k.
0x0030: 0a07 6b0f 7604 0017 19b2 fb4e f31b 6f72 ..k.v......N..or
0x0040: 5010 1020 c7e1 00 P......
0008: msg_type: PKT_RCV
con_id: 1090519041 other_con_id: 0
0x0000: 0840 004e 0050 8034 0000 000a 0000 0000 [email protected]........
0x0010: 0004 0011 5d6a f800 0005 9a3b 95d9 0800 ....]j.....;....
0x0020: 4500 0028 7b6e 4000 4006 d539 0a07 6b0f E..({n@[email protected].
0x0030: 0a07 6b0b 0017 7604 f31b 6f72 19b2 fb4e ..k...v...or...N
0x0040: 5010 16d0 c131 00 P....1.