Cisco 4700 Series Application Control Engine Appliance Administration Guide
Chapter 3 Managing ACE Software Licenses
Removing a License
When you remove a demo or permanent virtual context license, the ACE removes
all user contexts from the Admin running configuration. By removing the user
contexts, their running and startup configurations are also removed from the ACE.
Before removing any virtual context license, save the Admin running
configuration and the user context running configurations to a remote server.
To remove a context license, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Save the Admin and user context running configurations to a remote server by
entering the
copy running-config
command in Exec mode in each context. For
more information on this command, see
Chapter 5, Managing the ACE Software
For example, to copy the Admin running configuration to an TFTP server as
R-CONFIG-ADM, enter:
copy running-config tftp://
To copy the C1 user context running configuration to an TFTP server, access the
C1 context and enter:
copy running-config tftp://
Step 2
Remove the license with the
license uninstall
command. For example, to remove
the ACE-AP-VIRT-020.LIC license, enter:
license uninstall ACE-AP-VIRT-020.lic
The ACE displays the following messages and prompt:
Clearing license ACE-AP-VIRT-020.lic:
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR cisco
INCREMENT ACE-AP-VIRT-020 cisco 1.0 permanent 1 \
VENDOR_STRING=<count>1</count> HOSTID=ANY \
D> \
<PAK></PAK>" SIGN=86A13B1EA2F2