Getting Started
Welcome to the phone revolution. RevolutionPBX is quickly changing business phones for
the better through it’s lower cost, extensive expandability and full feature set. This manual
details out installation, setup, use and troubleshooting for the RevolutionPBX phone system.
Please note that certain phone specific features are covered in your phone manuals and quick
user guides.
If you purchased your system directly from ChronosTelecom or the RevolutionPBX.com
website your system will ship configured and ready for plug-n-call use. After installing each
user will need to record their name and voice mail greetings to complete installation.
If you purchased your system from an authorized reseller then your reseller will configure your
system either prior to or during installation. As with the factory shipped system each user will
then need to record their name and voice mail greetings to complete installation. We’ve
trained your reseller in how to install, maintain and train you on the use of our system. While
they may not follow the exact steps laid out in the following section please rest assured that
the end result will be the same.
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RevolutionPBX Install Guide v3.4
revised 3/18/11