18. Final Finishing and Checks
The Vision 3D is now very close to completion – only a few steps and checks
are left to ensure that the model ready and safe to fly:
Balance the assembled model laterally (from wing tip to wing tip). Add
tip weight if required to obtain perfect lateral balance
Ensure that all servos are moving freely though their full movement
range and are not ‘straining’ at the extremes of movement – this is
particularly important for digital servos which will drain significant
current under load
Ensure that ALL radio gear lead connectors are secured to each other
using tape or heat-shrink tubing
Ensure that all radio gear leads are restricted from moving about within
the airframe by using tyraps and/or foam blocks. This will stop the
leads chafing in flight
Ensure that all fixing bolts have been screwed in place with Loctite.
Ensure that all fixing/threaded holes drilled/tapped into the airframe
have been strengthened with thin or medium CA
Range check the model, with the motor both off AND running - for
safety please use a helper when checking with the motor running
Test your batteries to make sure they are holding their charge and do
not have failing/failed cells.
Ensure that any loose debris from building is removed from the
fuselage – preferable by vacuuming it out! This will stop your motor
ingesting any debris through the carburettor hole in the firewall.