15. Cowling, Prop and Spinner
Dry fit the cowling by making the appropriate cut-outs using the Dremel
sanding tool, as shown in the picture below.
When dry fitting the cowling ensure that all orifices of the engine are
completely covered over, these being the exhaust, carb inlet & also the fuel
inlet nipple.
Once the cut outs of the cowling are correct & you have allowed some
clearance from around the engine, slide the cowling onto the model. Place the
spinner back plate onto the engine along with the prop & bolt these items into
With the spinner back plate now dictating the amount of side & down thrust
align the cowling with the spinner, allow at least 1/16” gap between the back
of the back plate to the front of the cowling so the two have no chance of
rubbing together during operation.
Once happy with the cowling fit, tape it onto the fuselage. Drill through the
cowling (just below the side cheeks) and into the sides of the firewall with a
3mm drill. Next drill through the underside of the cowling (at the rear) and into
the fuselage with a 3mm drill.
Tap the holes with a 4mm thread and drip thin CA onto the thread. Secure the
cowl in place with 4mm plastic bolts.
Now fit the spinner and prop.