Aileron Servo Installation
The Vision 3D is designed to use either a single high torque (130 oz inch)
aileron servo, or a pair of medium torque (60 oz inch) aileron servos.
While either approach will work successfully, we prefer the use of a single
high torque servo and the following instructions describe the fitting process.
Select a wing panel and a servo. Add an extension lead to the servo long
enough that the lead can exit the wing root and be fed into the fuselage,
leaving sufficient extension lead length to reach the receiver – approximately
8 inches.
Ensure the servo lead/extension lead connectors are taped or tied together to
provide a secure connection that will not pull apart once installed. Shrinking a
1inch length of heat shrink tubing over the joined connectors is a particularly
good solution.
Pull cords are fitted to the outer servo mounting points. These are only used
when fitting two aileron servos per wing panel.
When using a single servo, hold the wing panel vertically with the face of the
wing tip pointing upwards. Now feed the end of the extension lead attached to
the servo into the inboard servo mounting point. There is a generous hole
located in the wing rib just inboard of the mounting point. Feed the extension
lead through this hole until the end of the lead has been fed through to the
wing root.
Now insert the servo into its mounting point as pictured below.
Using a suitably sized drill bit for your chosen servos, drill holes into the servo
mounting plates for the servo mounting screws.