Now glue the wooden pin retainer boss mounts (containing the glued in
position retainer bosses) into position within the fuselage using 20-minute
Take care to align the hole in each wooden mount with adjacent hole in
the side of the fuselage!
Note that the small mounts are fitted BEHIND the wing tube and the large
mounts INFRONT of the wing tube.
Small mount fitted
behind wing tube
Large mount fitted
in front of wing
Using a piece of coarse sandpaper or a file, heavily key the circular side faces
of the aluminium pin retainer bosses.
Now glue the pin retainer bosses (with the big flat head screws facing
upwards) into their wooden mounts using 20-minute epoxy.
Take care to ensure that the hole in the side of each aluminium boss is
in line with the hole in it’s wooden mount!