If it is not already in place, fit the servo arm - it will be used as a guide. We
recommend the use of 1inch length servo arms.
Now use a small square to set the position of the end of the horn, so that the
aileron control rod will be positioned at 90 degrees to the hinge line of the
ailerons. Mark this position on the leading edge of the aileron itself using a
fine marker pen. Now draw a second parallel line on the aileron 1/5
inboard (as marked in the diagram below in blue).
This is the correct center line position of the aileron ballbearing control horn,
which will stop large servo arm movements from straining the aileron ball
bearing control horn and clevis.
Control rod
centre line
Now place a ballbearing control horn onto the plywood triangular mounting
plate that is installed into the surface of the aileron. The center of the horn
should be over the centerline you have just marked, facing down this line and
angled very slightly towards the end of the servo horn/arm.
The center of the control horn ball bearing should be positioned directly over
the hinge point.
Dry fitting the aileron control rod to the servo arm and ball bearing aileron
control horn may assist with the above alignment procedures, as will taping
the servo into the neutral position with masking tape.