A-4-6 Report Management
Specify whether each report is created for every group.
Each time each column is clicked, it changes from *
P. The “— “ indicates that the template
is not created. The report is not created if the template is not created.
The report marked with “ ” is created but the report marked with blank is not created. The report marked
with “P” is created and then printed out.
A-4-7 Edit sheet
The template editing is described in A-5 Edit report template.
A-4-8 Create daily report
The daily reports of the groups marked with “ ” in the daily report column of the report management is
created based on the contents in the daily report template.
1. Specify the period for creating the daily report. Select the start date and the end date.
2. The daily report is created after reading the stored data.
3. After the daily report is created, it is added
to the list in the “Report created”.