This Body Composition Analyzer uses eight electrodes
multi-frequency to conduct bioelectrical impedance
analysis. Conforming to relevant safety and medical
regulations, its accuracy has been validated through
peer-reviewed studies and clinical trials, and can be used
as a quick, convenient, non-invasive method of body
composition analysis. Before using this device, please
study the user manual carefully for operation instructions
in order to receive best results.
A low level imperceptible electric current will be sent
through the subject's body during measurement. The
safety of the device used correctly in normal operating
conditions has been proven. However, should the subject
feel any discomfort in the measurement process, or the
d e v i c e a p p e a r s t o m a l f u n c t i o n , u s e r s s h o u l d s t o p
operation immediately, and contact your local Charder
distributor for further instructions. For safety purposes,
this device should not be used by subjects with the
following characteristics:
*Life-sustaining electronic implants, e.g. artificial lungs
*Electronic medical implants, e.g. cardiac pacemaker
*ECG or other electronic medical devices
Fo r s a f e t y p u r p o s e s , i f y o u a r e u s i n g t h i s d e v i c e t o
measure body composition for the purposes of sports
therapy or weight loss, do not interpret and act on results
without professional medical or fitness advice. If you have
any questions or problems regarding usage of the device,
please contact your local Charder distributor, or Charder
Medical customer service.
Running self-calibration, keep platform free of object
Charder continually upgrades its software in response to customer feedback and new
research findings. The screen below displays the current software version.
During self-calibration, the
measuring platform should be kept
free of objects. No cables should
be placed under the platform.
When system self-calibration is
complete, the device is ready for
measurements. You will see the
start screen below.
Input new or registered user ID
2017/07/18 11:27 AM