AutoMax %
This parameter is available only if the auto parameter is set to ext. or HR sensor. It can take values between 1 and 100% (steps 1%) with the
limitation that AutoMin% <AutoMax%. For units equipped with variable speed fans:
If auto signal ext.
corresponds to the percentage value of the input signal by which the fans rotate at the maximum speed, above this value the fans remain
adjusted to the maximum speed. For example, the AutoMax value% 080 corresponds to an 8V input signal (80% of 10V).
If auto sensor HR
corresponds to the relative humidity value (in percentage) by which the fans rotate at the maximum speed, below this value the fans remain
adjusted to the maximum speed. For units equipped with three-speed fans, taking into account the second image of the external auto-signal
parameter, the values of SP.1.2% and SP.2.3% are set (nominal values in which the steps of the speed 1 to 2 and speed 2 to 3) you can obtain
the appropriate value to assign to the parameter:
AutoMin ppm
This parameter is available only if the auto parameter is set to CO2 VOC. It can take values between 0 ppm and 1980 ppm (steps of 20ppm) with
the limitation that AutoMin ppm <AutoMax ppm.
For units equipped with variable speed fans, corresponds to the concentration of CO2 (CO2-VOC), expressed in ppm, by which the fans turn at
the minimum speed; below this value the fans remain adjusted to the minimum speed. For units equipped with three-speed fans, taking into
account the second image of the auto CO2 VOC parameter, the values of SP.1.2% and SP.2.3% are set (nominal values in which the speed steps
are produced) 1 to 2 and speed 2 to 3) you can obtain the appropriate value to assign to the parameter:
AutoMax ppm
This parameter is available only if the auto parameter is set to CO2 VOC. It can take values between 20 ppm and 2000 ppm (steps of 20 ppm)
with the limitation that AutoMin ppm <AutoMax ppm For unit equipped with variable speed fans, corresponds to the concentration of CO
2 (CO2 -VOC), expressed in ppm , by which the fans rotate at maximum speed; above this value the fans remain adjusted to the maximum
speed. For unit equipped with three-speed fans, taking into account the second image of the auto CO2 VOC parameter, the values of SP.1.2%
and SP.2.3% are set (nominal values in which the speed steps occur 1 to 2 and speed 2 to 3) you can obtain the appropriate value to assign to
the parameter:
AutoMin% = 7 x SP.1,2% - 2 x SP.2,3%
AutoMax% = 8 x SP.2,3% - 3 x SP.1,2%
AutoMin ppm = 7 x SP.1,2% - 2 x SP. 2,3%
AutoMax ppm = 8 x SP. 2,3% - 3 x SP. 1,2%
AutoMin %
This parameter is available only if the auto parameter is set to ext. or HR sensor. It can take values between 0 and 99% (steps 1%) with the
limitation that AutoMin% <AutoMax% For units equipped with variable speed fans:
If auto signal ext.
corresponds to the percentage value of the input signal by which the fans rotate at the minimum speed, below this value the fans remain
adjusted to the minimum speed. For example, the AutoMin% 030 value corresponds to a 3V input signal (30% of 10V).
If auto sensor HR
corresponds to the relative humidity value (in percentage) by which the fans rotate at the minimum speed, below this value the fans remain
adjusted to the minimum speed. For units equipped with three-speed fans, taking into account the second image of the external auto-signal
parameter, the values of SP.1.2% and SP.2.3% are set (nominal values in which they occur).
the steps of speed 1 to 2 and speed 2 to 3) you can obtain the appropriate value to assign to the parameter: