7 Sale Modes
lb/kg Key
From the REG mode screen, you can switch between lb weighing and kg weighing. As long as the
Total Price is 0.00 and there are no PLUs called-up, you may press the lb/kg key to switch between lb
and kg. Below are samples of the same screen shown in lb and kg. Remember, the lb/kg key only
applies to By-Weight PLUs, Misc By-Weight, and Misc By-Count but has no effect on By-Count or Non-
Food PLUs. This key is only used on the USA version. This key is not used on the others versions.
<REG> 12:12:00 PM
<REG> 12:12:00 PM
From the REG mode screen, you can turn the scale’s displays on or off by pressing the ON/OFF key.
When you press the ON/OFF key to turn off the scale, it still has power and is fully operational except
that the keyboard does not work and the displays are off. Turning the power OFF with the power switch
located on the side of the scale is NOT the same thing as using the ON/OFF key. Turning the power
switch OFF is equivalent to unplugging the scale from the electrical outlet. When you are using the LP-2
as a stand-alone scale, then you may turn the scale OFF using the power switch; however, if you are
using the scale in a network then it is recommended that you never turn the scales OFF with the power
switch unless the network is not in use.
Whenever you have a scale network and you need to turn the scale off, you can use the ON/OFF key.
When you use the ON/OFF key to turn the displays off, you can tell that it is still operational by pressing
any key while the displays are off. When you do this you can hear them beep even though the displays
are off. If you use the power switch to turn the scale OFF then pressing any key will not produce any
WARNING! Never attempt to service the scale while the power switch is ON. Unplug the scale before
attempting any kinds of repairs. If you need to remove any labels that may have become glued to the
thermal print head, make sure you unplug the scale first. Remember, in order to effect repairs on any
scale, you must be licensed by your Department of Weights and Measures.