6 Programming
greater than 0 before you can execute a sales transaction. By-Count PLUs can have a Net-Weight
Statement (in ounces or grams), a Sale Count, and Sale Price for discounting. This includes ALL food
that is NOT sold by weight.
Non-Food PLUs are priced a Straight-price; for example, $3.99. You must have a Total Price greater
than 0 before you can execute a sales transaction. This includes ALL NON-FOOD items.
NOTE: ALL of the label formats embedded in the scale are compliant.
Once you have selected a PLU type you will get the following screen depending on which type of PLU
you selected:
* If you select ‘N’ on Use Global Label Format (Y/N), you have to assign a label format for each PLU.
By-Weight PLU
Screen 1 of 8
By-Count PLU
Screen 1 of 8
Non-Food PLU
Screen 1 of 5.
****IF you are using a global label format in the scale, this field won’t matter. But it must have a number
in it. It cannot be 0. If you are using individual label formats for different PLUs, put the label format for this
particular PLU here.
( 1/8) < CREATE BY-WEIGHT PLU 10 >
Label Format:[ 1] (CAS) LST-8000****
Name Line 1 :[This is a By-Weight PLU
Name Line 2 :[
Name Line 3 :[
( 1/8) < CREATE BY-COUNT PLU 11 >
Label Format:[ 1] (CAS) LST-8000****
Name Line 1 :[This is a By-Count PLU
Name Line 2 :[
Name Line 3 :[
( 1/ 5)
Label Format:[ 1] (CAS) LST-8000****
Name Line 1 :[This is a Non-Food PLU
Name Line 2 :[
Name Line 3 :[