Carmanah Technologies Corp. | 250 Bay St, Victoria, BC V9A 3K5, Canada | 1.250.380.0052 |
5.0 Display Alignment
5.1 Display Alignment – Overview
Important Tips for Display Sign Installation
Avoid installing the display sign immediately after a sharp curve, as the radar might not pick up
approaching traffic. The sign needs to be aimed correctly at approaching traffic.
Avoid installing on a steep incline or decline
unless using tilt brackets
) so that radar
and LED display will be properly aimed at oncoming vehicles.
Avoid installing a solar-powered system in the shade of trees or large structures.
Avoid installing where large trucks may park and obscure the sign.
Install where the radar beam has a clear view of oncoming traffic not obscured by trees, foliage, signs,
buildings, or other objects.
Install the sign near the road. Typically, the SPEEDCHECK-15/18 display sign is mounted between five
and twelve feet from the roadside.
Use hose clamps first to determine the best display alignment and radar detection range before
permanently banding the display to the pole.
The SpeedCheck display systems are designed to maximize the contrast of the display and minimize the glare
from the window. For these systems to function properly, the display must be aligned in relation to the roadway
and other physical conditions.
The main sources of severe glare are sun and sky reflections and the headlights of oncoming vehicles. Proper
display sign alignment must also factor in existing roadway grades, hills, and curves.