“FCR3 three-phase controller” +030222150 - rel. 1.3 - 12.01.2021
5.1 Parameter copying key
Programming keys PSOPZKEY00/A0
The programming keys PSOPZKEY00 (Figure 5.a) and PSOPZKEYA0
(Figure 5.b), are used to copy the complete set of parameters relating
to the CAREL FCR controller parameters. The keys must be connected to
the PROG KEY connector (4 pin AMP) fi tted on the controllers, and work
even without switching the controller on (see the summary diagram in
Fig. 5.c).
Fig. 5.a
Fig. 5.b
Two functions are available, and are selected by using the two supplied
dipswitches; these can be accessed by removing the battery cover:
load the parameters for a controller onto the key (UPLOAD - Figure 5.c);
copy from the key to a controller (DOWNLOAD - Figure 5.d).
: the parameters can only be copied between controllers
with the same part number and compatible software release. The
UPLOAD operation can, however, always be performed.
The following operations are used for the UPLOAD and/or DOWNLOAD
functions, simply by changing the settings of the dipswitches on the key:
open the rear cover on the key and position the 2 dipswitches
according to the desired operation;
close the rear cover on the key and insert the key in the connector on
the controller;
press the button and check the LED: red for a few seconds, then green,
indicates that the operation was completed correctly. Other signals or
the fl ashing of the LED indicates that problems have occurred: refer to
the table below;
at the end of the operation, release the button, after a few seconds the
LED goes OFF;
remove the key from the controller.
Fig. 5.c
Fig. 5.d
LED signal
Meaning and solution
Red LED fl ashing
Batteries discharged at start copy
The batteries are discharged, the copy operation cannot be performed. Replace
the batteries.
Green LED fl ashing
Batteries discharged during copy or at end of
During the copy operation or at the end of the operation the battery level is low.
Replace the batteries and repeat the operation.
Red/green LED fl ashing (orange signal) Instrument not compatible
The parameter set-up cannot be copied as the connected controller model is
not compatible. This error only occurs for the DOWNLOAD function; check the
controller P/N and run the copy only for compatible products.
Red and green LEDs on
Error in data being copied
Error in the data being copied. The instrument's EEPROM is corrupted, and there-
fore the key cannot be copied.
Red LED on steady
Data transfer error
The copy operation was not completed due to a serious error when transferring
or copying the data. Repeat the operation, if the problem persists check the key
LEDs off
Batteries disconnected
Check the batteries.
Tab. 5.a