ImageBrowser Software User Guide
Editing Images (7/10)
Adjusting Tone Curves
You can adjust image brightness and color balance using a tone
curve (a revisable graph plotting the input and output
brightness data).
Click [Edit] in the Viewer Window and select [Tone
Curve Adjustment].
The Tone Curve Adjustment window will open.
• You can also start the tone curve adjustment process by clicking
the [Edit] menu and selecting the [Edit Still Image] submenu,
followed by [Tone Curve Adjustment].
Adjust the graph and click [OK].
Selects the channel to adjust.
Click on a point to
alter the tone curve.
Use this to repeat the
same adjustment.
Click [Undo All] to restore the image to its pre-adjustment state.
Click [Undo] to cancel the action immediately preceding.
Displays the pre-
adjustment image.