Glossary (cont.)
Photo Optimizer PRO
This feature can be used to correct overexposed or
underexposed photographic images, or to
compensate for the loss in colour balance in images
captured under artificial lighting such as fluorescent or
incandescent lights. This feature also performs
contrast (gamma coefficient) correction to achieve
optimum clarity, colour balance, and intensity in the
The physical location that allows external connection
of an interface cable to a printer or other external
print head
The part of the Printhead that holds the nozzles that
spray ink onto the paper during printing. If the print
head dries out or becomes clogged, the printer will
not print correctly. A dried or clogged print head can
be corrected by print head cleaning and deep print
head cleaning.
print head cleaning
Cleans the nozzles of the print head on the Printhead
after they have become clogged.
print head deep cleaning
Cleans the print head more thoroughly than cleaning.
Deep cleaning consumes ink so use it sparingly, only
have cleaning has failed to correct the problem.
Print Mode
Provides five basic settings (Standard, DTP, Draft,
SuperPhoto, Camera) which allow you to select the
optimum settings for a print job with a single click,
based on the content of the print job.
printer cable
Connects the computer to the printer.
printer driver
A software application used by the operating system
to communicate with the printer. You cannot use a
printer until you have installed the correct driver for it
and selected it before the print job.
slide bar
A graphic bar that you can drag left or right to select a