99 fi les already exists in
selected folder.
1 A maximum of 99 fi les can be saved in one folder. Delete
unnecessary fi les before saving, or save them in a diff erent
Exceeded character
limit. Cannot change.
The character count limit for the specifi ed cut length has been
exceeded. Change the cut length setting
or delete
the characters.
Cannot input.
Change length or character
Cannot input text with the specifi ed character size and cut
length. Change the cut length
or character size
Numbering data setting
The page you are trying to divide or combine has numbering.
Delete the numbering.
No character data.
You need to have already entered text in advance to display
the printing preference display. Enter characters before
pressing the [Print] key.
Data beyond cut length will
be deleted. OK?
When "Yes" is selected, data exceeding the cut length will be
deleted automatically.
If you select "No," the deletion will be canceled. Change the
cut length or the number of characters.
Close cover and press any
You cannot print with the cover open. Close the cover and
press any key.
Print media isn’t set.
Reload the print media correctly. Press the [Enter] key to start
Depending on the type of tube, the tube may not be
detected. In this case, set the print media to "Clear Tube" in
the print settings and print.
Ribbon cassette isn’t set.
Load the ribbon cassette. Press the [Enter] key to resume
End of media.
Pull out print media
The print media ran out during printing. Pull out the print
media from the printer and press any key. Replace the print
media with a new one and press the [Enter] key to resume
printing from the interrupted page.