5) Slide out the transfer frame.
6) Place a ruler and copy paper against the
marking (Figure 2-7) etched to the
transfer drum ring (front, rear), and
measure the position d of the copy paper
in relation to the leading edge of the copy
paper. Perform this for both sides A and
Figure 2-7
Figure 2-8
7) Make adjustments so that d is 0 ± 0.5 mm
in service mode (ADJUST>FEED-ADJ).
for side A:ATT-T-A
for side B: ATT-T-B
Changing ATT-T-A, ATT-T-B to '1'
will shift the point of attraction by
about 0.4 mm.
A higher setting will delay the start of
attraction (in the direction of the black
arrow) while a lower setting advances
it (in the direction of the white arrow).
8) After adjustment, turn off and then on the
power switch.
Keep in mind that copies made in
normal mode will be black if you
forget to turn off and then on the
power switch.