Visual Settings
< Main Menu
this menu to make changes to the appearance of all CHDK
menus, texts, backgrounds, etc., choose font types, sizes, colors.
Lets you choose another language if you have the
-file in the
f older of
your SD card.
OSD codepage
Choose the Codepage. [ Win1250 - 1257 ]
To enable display of alphabetical characters for different languages.
Menu RBF font
Choose another font (
RBF format
) for the CHDK menus. If you have chosen a RBF font but
want to switch back to the original built-in font, just choose an "illegal" RBF font (Try to load a
uBASIC script as a RBF font, for example).
Change any of the display colors for all text and icons. If you
don't change them they will remain as their defaults.
There are opaque colors and transparent colors, and also some
"special effect" colors. Note that record mode and playback
mode use different color tables. So it may happen that you pick
a nice color in playback mode, and in record mode it will look
totally different. But there are also colors which will stay the
same in both modes. Some examples for A-series cams:
0x11 (white), 0xFF (black), 0x22 (red), 0x55 (green), 0x44 (transparent light grey).
Also see:-
Draw palette,
Page 43.
Green Cursor Background
Pink Menu Background
Green Menu Text