Chapter 13: Getting Started (CLI)
Configuring the Radio (MRMC) Script(s) (CLI)
Page 13-194
Input Type
Permitted Values
acm-support Boolean
Determines whether to display
scripts that support Adaptive Coding
Modulation (ACM). In ACM mode, a
range of profiles determines Tx and Rx
rates. This allows the radio to modify its
transmit and receive levels in response
to environmental conditions.
The following command displays available symmetrical (normal) scripts with ACM support for
radio carrier 2 in a PTP 820C unit:
radio[2/2]>mrmc script show script-type normal acm-support yes
Assigning an MRMC Script to a Radio Carrier (CLI)
Once you have a list of valid scripts, you can assign a script to the radio carrier. The command
syntax differs depending on whether you are assigning a script with ACM support or a script
without ACM support.
When you enter a command to change the script, a prompt appears informing you that
changing the traffic will reset the unit and affect traffic. To continue, enter
To assign a script with ACM enabled, enter the following command:
radio[x/x]> mrmc set acm-support script-id <script-id> modulation
adaptive max-profile <profile>
To assign a script without ACM enabled, enter the following command:
radio[x/x]> mrmc set acm-support script-id <script-id> modulation fixed
profile <profile>
To display the current MRMC script configuration, enter the following command:
radio[x/x]>mrmc show script-configuration