Chapter 10: Access Management and Security
Configuring RADIUS
Page 10-117
For each of the six functional groups (Ethernet, Management, Radio, Security, Sync, TDM), the
page displays the Read access level (None, Regular, or Advanced), and the Write access level
(None, Regular, or Advanced).
Configuring a RADIUS Server
If you want to use the PTP 820 RADIUS feature, you must first install a RADIUS server and
configure it to work with the PTP 820 device.
The following subsections describe how to configure a Win2008 RADIUS server and a Linux
FreeRADIUS server to work with a PTP 820. For the sake of simplicity, the subsections describe
how to create three users: an Advanced user with Advanced read/write permissions, a Normal user
with regular read/write permissions, and a Viewer user with no read/write permissions.
Configuring a Win 2008 RADIUS Server
The following sub-sections describe how to configure a Win 2008 RADIUS Server to work with a
PTP 820 device.
Step 1 – Creating Groups and Users
To create groups and users:
Create three user groups, as follows:
i In the Server Manager, navigate to Configuration > Local Users and Groups.
ii Right click Groups and create the following three user groups: