PMP Synchronization Solutions User Guide
Configuring a CMM4
PMP-0297 007v001 (January, 2017)
Viewing the Network Interface
Figure 48 Network Interface tab of the CMM
The Network Interface screen allows the operator to view the LAN settings for the CMM4 device.
It is a read-only screen.
Table 24 Network Interface tab attributes
Ethernet Interface
This field displays the Ethernet mode of the LAN port.
IP Address
This field displays the IP address that the operator has set for the CMM4
controller board. This field is set in the CMM4 Configuration tab. The
Ethernet Switch has a separate IP address.
Subnet Mask
This field displays the address of the subnet mask. Subnetting allows the
network to be logically divided without regard to the physical layout of the
Default Gateway
This field displays the address of the default gateway. A default gateway is
a node on the network that serves as an access point to another network.
Viewing Layer 2 neighbors
This screen provides information on all of the layer 2 devices communicating with the CMM4
including any devices on an Ethernet connected hub that support LLDP (Link Layer Discovery
Figure 49 Layer 2 Neighbors Log